DLT Telos Late July to Early October 2022 Update

Detroit Ledger Technologies
5 min readOct 9, 2022


Detroit Ledger Technologies CEO Adam Zientarski gives a tech and governance overview to a full Purple Room at the Blockchain Futurist Conference. (Photo credit: @rendhel09)

Message from DLT CEO Adam Zientarski

Greetings Telosians!

With your support, Detroit Ledger Technologies (DLT, BP account: eosiodetroit) recently reclaimed an active top 21 block producer position on the Telos Network.

Being an active block producer comes with a whole additional set of responsibilities including elevated attention to detail and fine tuning of (ideally) bare-metal infrastructure, prompt review and signature of multisig proposals for network upgrades, and participation in the direction and thought leadership of the network.

Over the past 9 months, EOS DETROIT became Detroit Ledger Technologies while renewing its efforts to advance the Telos Network. This effort included supercharging its product development and engineering contributions while maintaining our highly reliable bare metal infrastructure for its block production services.

However, competition for active block producer positions is cutthroat on Telos. DLT is currently only roughly 50,000 lost votes away from being downgraded into a standby block producer position again — which results in DLT receiving half the amount of payment that it currently enjoys. The DLT team kindly urges the Telos community to continue to vote for DLT with their native TLOS token (EVM Telos is not included in vote weight — even if it is staked as sTLOS). DLT’s goal is to reach 75 million votes by the end of 2022 and believe that this number will allow us to focus on contributing to the Telos Network without fear of loss of pay. I encourage community members to vote for DLT and to contact any of the larger stake holders who are not voting for DLT to ask them to do so. The DLT team appreciates your continued support and Go Telos!

Adam Zientarski
CEO, Detroit Ledger Technologies

Telos Open Block Explorer (OBE)

DLT continues its contributions to the Open Block Explorer project by coding and deploying bulk transactions by CSV file. This feature allows users to format the information needed to create transactions and upload the file into a CSV for multisig proposals that have more than one action, saving power users valuable time over having to create each one individually by clicking through the interface.

Next up, DLT will begin design and development of the simplified multisig proposal creator in the months of October & November at the direction of the TCD.

DLT and Telos Core Development Team Strike Deal to Expand Product Management Role

For the past 2 months, DLT V.P. of Engineering Karyne Mayer assisted the Telos Core Development team (TCD) with project management of telos.app.net on a small basis. Starting in mid-September, DLT through Karyne began contributing 20 hours of product management expertise per week to various TCD projects including OBE and Telos Arbitration.

DLT V.P. of Engineering Karyne Mayer

DLT is looking forward to helping the TCD scale its operations over the course of the next 6 months through additional responsibilities, training on best practices for its growing team, and implementation of process improvements.

Telos Arbitration

Development of the front-end for the Telos Arbitration portal continued over the past few months at the effort of Kylan Hurt from Telos Crew. DLT continues to support this effort by fixing any bugs that arise in the election and case process smart contract, of which only one has been discovered. A short demo of the portal administrator panel front-end being developed by TelosCrew can be seen in the video below.

A demo of the admin configuration panel front-end in the Telos Arbitration portal, powered by DLT’s smart contract. (Video credit: Telos Crew)

As the front-end development work continues progress and the MVP begins to take shape, DLT will focus its efforts on creating the Amend proposal with required changes to the Telos Blockchain Network Arbitration Rules & Procedures and Fee Schedule to reflect the new portal design. The draft changes will be available in the Telos Governance channel for comment prior to a formal vote. DLT will also continue to provide smart contract development support as needed.

DLT @ Blockchain Futurist Conference 2022

DLT and its sister organization, the Detroit Blockchain Center (DBC) attended the Blockchain Futurist Conference in Toronto. The trip to Toronto was special because it was the first time that DLT co-founders Rob Konsdorf and Adam Zientarski met V.P. of Engineering Karyne Mayer in person!

DLT and Telos Culture block producer partnered with the Telos Foundation to host approximately 3 hours of talks in a dedicated space, “The Purple Room,” at the conference. Telos Culture CEO Lliam Buckley gave a rapid-fire 101of what Telos is and why the greater crypto industry should care and DLT CEO Adam Zientarski gave a talk about the various advantages and achievements that Telos has over its competitors. A fireside chat with Telos Foundation Board Member Chris Barnes and EOS Network Foundation Executive Director Yves La Rose capped off the Telos Purple Room event.

Not only was the trip productive for DLT, but the Detroit Web3 ecosystem as a whole. Detroit Blockchain Center Board Member Holly Weckler participated in the ETH Toronto hackathon, helping to create DeFiScore, which won the 1st place Hedera bounty and DoraHacks 3rd place bounty!

When we aren’t cooking up blazing fast blocks, you can probably find us cooking up juicy burgers instead.

To top it all off, DLT had the privilege of bringing a little slice of the Midwest to our Canadian friends by hosting an Antelope blockchain barbeque back at its AirBnB in the city. Representatives from Telos Culture, EOS Nation, Pomelo, Telos Foundation, and others enjoyed a variety of grilled treats, beverages, and great company.

Detroit Blockchain Center, Pomelo, Telos Foundation, Telos Crew, Benzinga, EOS Nation. The gang is all here.

Telos RFP

The Telos RFP system has been pending deployment for the last few months while the TCD prepared for and executed on tasks related to the launch of sTLOS on Telos EVM. More announcements will come from the Telos Foundation once RFPs are posted and accepting proposals!

Vote for DLT now!

If you like how DLT has contributed to the Telos network, vote for DLT (bp account: eosiodetroit) as one of your 30 votes. Maintaining an active position allows us to continue to contribute high quality engineering talent and reliable bare-metal infrastructure for the Telos network!

Thank you and Go Telos!



Detroit Ledger Technologies

A benevolent block producer crew based in Detroit, MI building value on blockchain networks. Planting new seeds of economic opportunity.